Monday, April 23, 2012

Mental illness in children

Children in today's world don't play in the garden, they are no more the sweet kids which they used to be before, they now suffer from mental illness and the number is not small, almost 30% of the us children become the victim of mental illness every year, and gov is trying hard to cope with the situation. Now most of the parents are now both working and this change is affecting the children, they first start to feel unwanted and gradually become the victim of mental illness and more specifically ADHD. Mental illness in children requires greater attention as children can't properly convey what problem they are going through or experiencing. That's why their social activities should also be monitored in order to diagnose the problem correctly, like their daily activities in school, or how they are reacting to other friends or at home, if they are showing abnormal aggressiveness, or if a tendency of breaking rule is noticed, then it's a red alert and treatment should be started before it gets worse, in most of the cases the parents are the main cause behind the whole problem, so the parents may also need to go under treatment along with the child.It is said that the childhood is the best time in people's life, so let's take it seriously so that no child hood is lost in darkness.

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