Monday, April 16, 2012

Treatment For Mental Illness- No More Hiding!

It's the biggest problem in our society, this is 2012 and still there are lot of folks out there who just love to make fun of this matter, if someone is mentally ill, then he or she is nothing but crazy, if someone chooses psychology as his or her subject, then he or she must be weird, there is only one treatment for mentally ill people..'electric shock'..these are some of the most common idea about this matter. We can see many people talking about heart disease, cancer etc on media, but we hardly see anyone talking about mental illness, that's why there are so many misconceptions about this.Who is now thinking about this seriously as it is going to be the biggest problem according to WHO. If you think that you are having some problem and can't help yourself, like if you are having unusual thoughts about something, or if you are doing or saying anything repeatedly and can't control yourself, then there might be some problem with you and you may need treatment for mental illness, it doesn't mean that you are crazy and there is really nothing to be ashamed of, mental illness is a disease like other disease and can be cured totally if treated properly, mental illness is like diabetes, it requires regular observation and sometime medication, without treatment it only gets worse and hard for the care provider to handle the problem.

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